Current step:Incident Details
Victim Details
Drone Details

Incident Details

Before you are able to submit your stolen drone details to our national database, please note that it's vital to report the theft to your local police first. Unfortunately you won't be able to proceed without completing this step.

This requirement significantly improves the chances of recovering your stolen drone and provides an official record for potential insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Thank you for taking the necessary step of reporting the theft of your drone to the local police authorities. Your prompt action plays a crucial role in helping us recover stolen drones and enhance community safety.

Please place your cursor over the '?' symbol next to each field for additional details on the necessary information for submission.

Please enter date when incident occurred.
Please enter country in which theft occurred.
Please enter method of Theft.
Please provide full street, lat / long or what3words address.
Please enter UK Police Force dealing with theft
Please enter Police Force dealing with theft (if known)
Please enter allocated Crime Reference number
Please enter method of Theft

Victim Details

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your contact phone number

Drone Details

Please enter make of drone
Please enter Remote ID of drone
Please enter Remote ID of drone
Please enter any additional identifying number(s)
Please enter DJI Flight Controller serial number
Please enter DJI frame serial number
Please enter battery serial number
Please enter any features which you believe are distinguishing

IMPORTANT: For DJI manufactured aircraft, the required serial numbers can often be found in the following locations (example shown for DJI Mini 3 Pro).

FlightController S/N

The Flight Controller S/N (FCID) is the DJI drone's hardware and internal serial number, usually accessible through the DJI FlyApp or Smart Controller menu.

Frame S/N

You can typically locate it in the airframe, close to or inside the battery compartment with an associated QR code.

Battery S/N

Usually, it's on the battery's exterior with an associated QR code.

In the event of a theft, obtaining device serial numbers afterward, if they have not already been noted, could be challenging.
However, if you have retained any of the original commercial packaging, it might include the necessary serial numbers you require.

Alternatively, there are additional methods to consider.  If you have a .txt or .dat file from a recent flight stored on your mobile phone or computer, it can be submitted to Aerial Defence Ltd to extract the serial numbers on your behalf.  Please feel free to contact us for further help and guidance.

Optional notes and upload

Please enter additional notes you believe will be useful
Upload any photos of your stolen drone if it is unique.

If you have images displaying distinct, unique characteristics or features of the device, kindly upload them here.

Final Submission